Friday, February 2, 2018

Garden Friday

Have you been inundated with seed catalogs?
It's getting close to seed starting here in North Carolina,
so I'm thinking about what I want to grow.
This year, I am again using the tool provided by
to plan my spring and summer gardens.
This free, interactive tool, is a fabulous way 
to figure out the best layout for the veggies and herbs you'll be growing.
Here's an example of what one of my summer beds will look like:


 Summer Garden Bed 1

It's easy to use with a list of common crops to choose from
as well as being able to customize the size of your beds.
This planner works for raised beds, raised rows,
traditional row growing, and container gardening.
After you create the layout of your dreams,
the website also provides planting information for each crop.
It's a great resource for beginning gardeners as well as
those with more experience.
It takes just minutes to plan your spring,
summer or fall garden.

Give it a go and let me know how you like it!

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